Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Birfdhey $<+

So word .....right now i have a problem with R&B music its prolly the same problem muthafuckas have with hip hop....but to me R&B is really lacking in the creavtive department and all the songs tend to sound the same(yea its just like rap)but anyway one song in particular which i actually think is a dope song and thats "Birthday Sex"
by Jeremiah now the song reminds me of some ol school Guy-Aaron Hall type shit with weaker diss just Aaron Hall use to damn near tear his adam apple when he got excited listen to end of "Dreaming" if u think im lying....but actually the problem i have with this song is not the song or the artist....just the immaturity of program directors at radio stations for not censoring the song...because to me they are putting something childrens heads thats not so cool....i have a daughter never heard her sing the song but im pretty sure she does/have due to the fact that
thats her moms preference of on a childs birthday they expect gifts maybe a party, a cake, they're gonna be expecting sex, now that thoughts in they head like "the grown-ups have sex on they birthday" thats what im gonna do me this song wont erase from they're memory when they are 16....they gonna remember when i was in the 4th grade it was this song called birthday sex and they will act on it....i mean imma keep it real its not like these kids are not gonna do it anyway but i think that song is very encouraging...

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